Earlier this year in September, An Affair to Remember hosted the Orlando Market Mixer for The Knot at the Hilton Orlando. For the mixer, they decided to show the four seasons of the year, each with a different design and menu for food and bar. The amazing event was captured on film by Kristen Weaver

Orlando Market Mixer for The Knot
Posted on by supportTags 5 Thirteen Designs, A Chair Affair, AFR, An Affair to Remember, DJ Jacob Towe, Fireworks by Santore, french chairs, Hilton Orlando, Ice Pro, Kristen Weaver photography, Leonard Brothers, Nuage, Occasions by Shangri-la, OEP Orlando Event Pros, Orlando chair rentals, Orlando Chiavari Chairs, PSAV, Signature Chandelier Rentals, That's a Wrap, The Collection Bridal, The Knot, The Knot Market Mixer, white chivavari chairs