Sales & Marketing Assistant
Office: 386-479-4308
Cell: 407-212-0948
Anita Rizzo Weber is a Miami Beach native with an extensive interior design background and a sharp eye for detail. Her transition into the event rentals industry was a natural one and as part of A Chair Affair’s sales and marketing department, she helps support the sales team.
She has always been a social butterfly, which makes her the perfect representative for the team at bridal shows and networking events all around Central Florida.
Watching the small details come together to form a big picture is one thing Anita loves about the industry, as well as serving vendors and customers and meeting all the different people that comes in this line of work.
Being a part of the Chair Affair team allows her to share her passions with like-minded people. Anita has been blessed with a loving family: 4 children, 3 grandchildren, and a wonderful dog.