September Winners: Sarah and Joe

Congratulations to Sarah and Joe, our winning couple for the month of September! They’ve won $500 off their rental order with A Chair Affair. We recently interviewed them to get to know them better before their big day.

Where did you meet your fiancé?

My fiancé Joe and I met in South Carolina. He was working as a fireman up there, and I was living in Florida, and had just graduated from nursing school. I went up to Myrtle Beach for the week with some girlfriends from nursing school to celebrate. All of us girls went out for dinner and to hang out at all the Myrtle Beach attractions. Joe was there with all of his fireman buddies hanging out, and we all met at one of the local attractions. We instantly had something in common with healthcare, him being a paramedic and me being a brand new nurse. We all hung out the rest of the week, then after the week was over we stayed in contact via text. One month after we had met, Joe and one of the other fireman guys I had met came down to Florida to see a Tampa Bay Rays’ game ( they are big baseball fans). I didn’t live too far from Tampa, so they stopped by my house, we had dinner, and showed him around my area. From that day on we never stopped talking.

How did you know he was the one for you?

I knew Joe was the one for me for a few reasons. First, he was very patient with me. While he was living in South Carolina, every night we would Skype and he helped me study for my nursing boards. Being with him and talking to him just came so naturally. It just felt different than any other relationship. I felt like I could just be myself. The moment that I did know that he was the one was when I had a seizure. He left work and drove straight down from South Carolina to Florida to take care of me. Since I couldn’t drive due to the six month law of being seizure free, it put us in a tough situation. After only a year of being together, we decided to move in together. I moved up to South Carolina to be with him, and also to have him take care of me and be able to take me to and from places, like work and the grocery store.

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How did he propose?

I have to admit that we have been through a lot together in the past three years together, and we have stayed strong. Joe proposed on our two year anniversary. He planned a trip for the two of us to go to the mountains in Georgia to celebrate me being able to drive again as well as our anniversary. I was looking forward to climbing up to this beautiful waterfall by the lodge. We walked to the top of the mountain and he proposed at the top! It was beautiful!

What part of the wedding day are you looking forward to most?

The most important part of the wedding day that I am looking forward to is that first look at him after walking down that isle. I can’t wait to be in front of him. This is the day that I have always pictured since I was a little kid and then there is the moment. I can’t wait!

What inspired your wedding colors?

Our wedding colors are bright purple, orange, coral, silver, and ivory. Purple is my favorite color and has been since I was little. Orange/coral I thought was really pretty too especially for a fall wedding so I have just a little “pop” of those colors incorporated. I love bling and sparkle, so I have some shimmer thoughout the wedding as well. My chairs that I am renting from you are silver! Ivory is the color of my wedding dress, main table linens and I am having ivory roses on all tables. Together I think the colors go great together.

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