April Chair Affair Winners: Phil and Kristen

Congratulations, Phil and Kristen! These two are the April Chair Affair winners from our drawing for April 2016, which means they’ll get $500 off your wedding rentals! We can’t get enough of this lovely couple, so we had Kristen give us all the details! Read on to find out about their sweet romance!


Where did you meet your fiancé?

Phil and I met through a mutual friend who thought we would be a perfect “match”. This was six years ago in 2010.

How did you know he was the one for you?

Phil and I first and foremost complement each other, he’s my “yin to my yang!”

What are the things you have in common?

We are both physical fitness enthusiasts. I am an avid runner and Phil an avid weight lifter and bike rider. His Law Enforcement career and my Military and Investigations career molded us together from day one. We both keep each other grounded with our stressful jobs and understand the sacrifices our jobs take.

How did he propose?

Christmas Day 2013! Just when I thought another year would pass without that ring… I got to the bottom of my stocking and pulled out a box and Phil asked me to marry him.

What part of the wedding day are you looking forward to most?

I’m looking forward to enjoying the reception with our friends and family. We did not have a wedding planner so 100% of the work was coordinated by both of us so I’m looking forward to sitting down, eating, drinking, dancing, and finally enjoying all the countless months of planning we put into the entire day.

What inspired your wedding colors?

We went with a glass crystal & silver theme. Honestly, it happened with finding a glass centerpiece while we were shopping – from there we built upon that idea.


Congratulations, Phil and Kristen! Be sure to check out this beautiful couple’s story on our social media as well.


You can be our next winners! Just check out this link here to find out how: http://bit.ly/2b3DqBB