August Monthly Wedding winners holding hands in a field of sunflowers with the sunlight peaking through the trees in the background

August Monthly Wedding Winners

Rhissa & Bobby

We are so excited to announce our August Monthly Wedding Winners as none other than Rhissa and Bobby! Their story is the definition of true love. Let’s take a look at how the couple answered these fun questions about the beginning of their story and how they came to be engaged.

Where did you meet your fiancée?

We met through mutual friends – Jordan was the Maid of Honor and Bobby was a Groomsman at their wedding!

How did you know he was the one for you?

Being with Bobby is as natural as breathing. He’s thoughtful and passionate and makes me feel so known and loved- it only took a few months for us both to know that this was it!

What are the things you have in common?

We’re both easy going and we love good stories and spending time outside.

How did he propose?

He took me out to the park where we had our first date! He said some super sweet things that I was too excited to remember and got down on one knee.

What part of the wedding day are you looking forward to most?

Second only to being officially man and wife, we’re most looking forward to the dance floor!

What inspired your wedding colors?

It’s a fall wedding, but it’s Florida, so the color palette is still very colorful, vibrant, and warm! The launching point for the colors were yellow and purple: I love yellow roses and am known for sending yellow heart emojis, and his favorite color is purple.

Rhissa included her color palette vision board. So fun!

August monthly wedding winners mood board she has for the color palette of her upcoming wedding


To conclude, we are so excited about our August Monthly Wedding Winners. Thanks for giving us a little insight into your love story. We look forward to supplying all your wedding rental needs for your upcoming big day.

With that being said, are you getting married soon? Share your love story with us, because you have a chance to win $500 off your wedding rentals too! Click here to enter!